Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Three Days

Title:  Three Days
Alternate Title(s):  3 Days
Network:  SBS
Year Produced:  2014

Summary: Three Days is a 2014 South Korean drama produced for SBS. This dark political thriller follows Secret Service Agent Han Tae Kyung (Park Yoo Chun) as he races against the clock to prevent the financial ruin of South Korea and the deaths of innocent civilians. The story begins with the mysterious death of his father and quickly escalates into an assassination attempt of the S. Korean president. But as Agent Han discovers, those events are just the tip of the iceberg. Now, he must unravel a decades old conspiracy in search of clues to prevent another tragedy. The series also stars well-known actors Park Ha Sun, Choi Won Young, and So E Hyun.

2.5 = I really wanted to like this one...
Recommendation: Here's the thing: I feel absolutely nothing about this k-drama. I don't love it and I don't hate it. It's just kind of... there. It was difficult to empathize with any of the characters' plights and I was indifferent to the outcome right up until the end of episode 13. Sure, there were some exciting action sequences and staring at Park Yoo Chun for 16 hours isn't a bad way to spend my free time. But I want to cry, laugh, and feel emotionally invested in the fates of the characters when I watch a movie, television show, play, etc... So, I'm sorry to report that this k-drama is a no-go for me. If you like political-conspiracy-action k-dramas, it might be worth your time.

Other Thoughts (And Possible Spoilers):  This is a hard review to write because I like Park Yoo Chun and Choi Won Young is someone that impresses me the more I see of him. So, I really wanted to like this k-drama. It seems like it fared pretty well in the ratings so I either have bad taste or something was lost in translation.

Speaking of Choi Won Young, I am happy to see him again after the hot mess of a character he played in Hundred Years' Inheritance. Plus, he was dressed a lot more fashionably this time around and has saved me from having to create a montage of his worst outfits. He really is a very good bad guy and his scenes with Park Yoo Chun were especially riveting. It's too bad there weren't more of them. I might have rated this drama a little higher.

The show tried to weave in a little romance between Agent Han and police officer Yoon Bo Won (Park Ha Sun) toward the end of the series. But it didn't add any particular value to the overall story and it felt like the writers squeezed it in to pick-up some ratings. Further more, I don't know that I felt a real connection between Park Ha Sun and Park Yoo Chun. I would have rather seen the series focus on Yoon Bo Won's personal growth as a result of her ordeal. Maybe she could have been inspired to become a PSS agent, too, or make some other change to her career path? But, no, she relocates to Seoul and continues to be a police officer. The End.

I'll end by commenting that there are few articles of clothing that make a man look as good as a perfectly tailored suit. However, Park Yoo Chun looked very nice in the last episode wearing jeans and a t-shirt. That's not a compliment that I hand out too often.

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