FAQ is a bit of a misnomer as I have not been asked any questions. But, in my head, I imagine that if I were to be asked any questions that these are the ones that would most frequently come up. If you do have a question that I've not addressed, feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment.

Q. Why do you love k-dramas?

A. Have you ever watched a great movie and wished that it would last just a little longer? That's how I feel about a good k-drama. It's like watching my favorite film on steroids. Instead of two hours, I can watch it for 16 hours. Or, even  better, 24 hours! Then, it ends, and I can fall in love again with the newest k-drama on the block. Clearly, my fear of commitment not only dictates my choices in men but also my entertainment preferences.

Q. Are you qualified to be writing k-drama reviews?

A. Probably not. I am the owner of a useless college degree in theatre studies but that only confirms that I did a poor job choosing my major.

Q. Who creates the artwork?

A. I do. When I'm not watching k-dramas, I spend my time dabbling in Photoshop and earning useless college degrees (see above).

Q. How many useless college degrees do you have?

A. 2 1/4

Q. Who is Phil? His name appears on the blog.

A. My original thought process in creating this blog was to get my friend Phil to start watching k-dramas so that we could blog together. Alas, he claims that subtitles give him a headache. One of these days, I will buy him a bottle of Advil and he will finally watch a k-drama. Then, I will blog about it.

Q. How do you find the time to watch so many k-dramas?!

A. I work in downtown Chicago but, unfortunately, I do not live there. I have roughly three hours on a train each day and an iPhone with an internet connection.

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