Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hong Gil Dong

Summary: Hong Gil Dong is a 2008 period drama written by the Hong sisters for the television network KBS. It explores the origins of the anti-hero Hong Gil Dong (Kang Ji Hwan), the righteous thief, as he attempts to rise above his birth status to change the world. The series also features Jang Geun Suk as Prince Chang Hee and Sung Yu Ri as Heo Yi Nok. This is an adaptation of the famous Korean novel The Tale of Hong Gil Dong.

-1/2 heart for JGS whispering ALL the time
Hong Gil Dong Disco Style
Recommendation: Watch it! This is a great production that showcases the breadth of Kang Ji Hawn's talents and the genius of the Hong sisters. It's a very stylized production that doesn't get boxed into the historical category but does manage to retain the essence of the period. Despite some serious moments, this k-drama is a lot of fun and I found myself laughing out loud more than once. The ending is, at first glance, tragic. But it was filmed so beautifully and so well executed that I was left in awe. This k-drama is not without flaws but they aren't large enough to impact the overall experience. Even if you don't like historical dramas, I think this one has something to offer everyone.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Love From Another Star

Plot: My Love From Another Star is a 2014 South Korean drama produced for SBS. The main character is Do Min Joon (Kim Soo Hyun), an alien that arrived on planet Earth 400 years ago. But, after staying behind to help a young window, he lost his chance to return to his home planet. It is now the year 2014 and he has an opportunity to return home in 3 months when a meteor shower passes by Earth. All he has to do is bide his time and wrap up his affairs quietly. His plans, though, are laid to waste when he crosses paths with actress Cheon Song Yi (Jun Ji Hyun), who bears a striking resemblance to the widow he met 400 years earlier. As the pair develop feelings for each other, Do Min Joon is forced to come to terms with the meaning of life and the importance of love.

-1/2 heart because I don't like giving away all my hearts

Recommendation: This is a must watch and will probably top my list for the "best of" 2014 k-dramas. It really is the total package for a drama fanatic. There is plenty of romance, suspense, plot twists, and a very good looking cast of characters. It pushes the "supernatural" k-drama trend in a great direction with a well developed plot that doesn't rely on special effects and gimmicks. The cast as a whole is strong without any weak links. I really loved the contrast between the level headed Do Min Joon and the fiery actress Choi Song Yi - they struck a perfect balance together. The ending is also well rounded and thoughtful. The writers took it in a direction that I didn't anticipate so that was a nice surprise.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Look: April/May K-Drama Premieres

Typically, I wait until a series wraps up and then I write a long winded review expressing my opinions. But, for those that don't like to read and those that don't want to wait, I have decided to do a quick check-in on the new k-dramas hitting the scene. I didn't have the forethought to put these in alphabetical order so please bear with me.

Angel Eyes
Tag Line: Blind girl gets her vision back but can't see her first love. Oh snap!
Thoughts: Cheesy, right? Despite sharing a name with an 80s pop song, I took a chance on this k-drama and it was surprisingly good. Angel Eyes had me at episode one. The series smoothly transitions between the younger and older versions of the main characters without losing anything, which makes me very happy. I'm not a big fan of Ku Hye Sun but it feels like she's finally cast off the BoF persona and she's impressed me with her performance thus far. I'm 8 episodes into this k-drama and it keeps getting better.

Wonderful Days
Tag Line: Prickly prosecutor returns home...kind of.
Thoughts: There's romance, family conflict, and a murder/mystery going on in this k-drama. It's good so far but its an investment of time. It's slated to have 50 episodes so the plot is moving along at a steady but slow pace. Still, the cast is strong and the relationships between the characters are interesting. Come for the scenes that feature TaecYeon's abs but stay for a great ensemble piece featuring some superb talent.

Wild Chives & Soybean Soup
Tag Line: Star-crossed lovers make a baby. Oops!
Thoughts: This is a series that I enjoy but it also has me nervous. It has the potential to turn into another Golden Rainbow (*gag*cough*). I'm 10 episodes into this k-drama and all the episodes thus far have been set in the past featuring high school aged versions of the main characters. There are also some side-plots centered on the adult characters that I find to be boring and largely just filler between the scenes with the teenagers. Overall, it's a good show. I just hope it can transition smoothly to the grown-up characters without losing any momentum.

Hotel King
Tag Line: Monopoly + K-Drama = Illegitimate son wants all the hotels
Thoughts: K-dramas tend to fail on the last episode. But this one failed on the first. Worst. First. Episode. Ever. I'm only 2 episodes into this series and, quite frankly, I don't like it at all. The characters are "meh" and the story is "whatever". I'll try to watch a few more episodes before giving it up entirely. But, beside Lee Dong Wook, I'm just not sure if this drama has any other redeeming qualities.

You're All Surrounded
Tag Line: "Police Academy" meets k-drama.
Thoughts: This is a police dramedy, more emphasis on the comedy, featuring some of South Korea's most popular actors: Cha Seung Won, Lee Seung Gi, and Go Ara. I've made it through the first four episodes and I'm undecided on this one. It started out strong but has been meandering between the different sub-plots since the first episode. I suspect it will get better from here on out now that the "team" has decided to be a "TEAM!" But let's wait and see.

A New Leaf
Tag Line: Cut-throat corporate lawyer loses his memory.
Thoughts: This is a series that I was super excited about when I read that it would airing soon. I'm a huge fan of Kim Myung Min, who has 2 dramas in my "Best Ever Top 10" list (King of Dramas & Beethoven's Virus). I was a little disappointed to see him in another "brusque-matter-of-fact-sociopath" role - even though he portrays it well. But, I will say, it has become exponentially more interesting post-memory loss. Kim Myung Min's performance as the amnesiac lawyer is very nuanced and I'm curious to see how the character evolves as he tries to figure out who he was prior to the accident. I'm going to stick with this to the end.

Big Man
Tag Line: Unwilling heart donor turned heir.
Thoughts: This is another series that I was anxiously awaiting because it stars Kang Ji Hwan and Daniel Choi. The first episode was a little bit, "WTF?" And, as of the end of the 4th episode, I am struggling to empathize with any of the characters because no one is really likable. Blackmarket organ donations. Embezzling. Cheating. Bribing. It's a tough group to love. Still, it has some entertaining qualities My only other concern is Kang Ji Hwan's hair color. Is he a blonde? Is he a brunette? I ...don't know.

Witch's Romance
Tag Line: 40 something journalist finds 20 something true love.
Thoughts: This is apparently a re-make of a Taiwanese drama and, having not seen the original, I don't have anything to which I can compare it. As a stand-alone project, though, I am really enjoying it. Professional women get a bad rap in k-dramas but this one has a nice balance. Uhm Jung Hwa's character is tough but fair. The chemistry between her and Park Seo Joon  is also very believable and its nice to see a sexy female lead in her 40s.

Tag Line: Legends of the Fall South Korean Style
Thoughts: This drama is a little bit Legends of the Fall and a little bit Casino. It starts slow but ramps-up quickly. Kim Jae Joong has come out strong in this role and it is nice to see him reunited with Lee Beom Soo after appearing together in the 2012 historical drama Dr. Jin. The director even managed to get in some gratuitous ab flashing already. I can't say no to abs. More, please!

Doctor Stranger
Tag Line: Morally compromised doctor defects to the South
Thoughts: This is another k-drama where I have only seen the first episode. But, I will say that it moved along very quickly and ended with a bang. Literally. My curiosity has been piqued. Lee Jung Suk and Jin Se Yeon have a nice on-screen chemistry, as well. There seems to be a lot of buzz around this series and "drama of the year" murmurs. But that is still to be seen. Elvis hasn't left the building, yet.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Golden Rainbow

Summary: Golden Rainbow is a 41-episode South Korean drama produced for the network MBC. It's a complicated story set in the backdrop of the fishing industry that follows a group of orphans adopted by Kim Han Joo (Kim Sang Joong), who was raised as an orphan himself. The show spans a period of 18 years and there are multiple plots intertwined with one another ranging from corporate fraud, star-crossed love, family dysfunction, and the slippery slope of power and wealth. It's a mixed bag of everything. Prominent stars in the series include Uee and Jung Il Woo.
+1/2 heart for the children
Recommendation: This is another series that has me feeling particularly conflicted and that makes it difficult to recommend it wholeheartedly. The show starts out really strong and I enjoyed the performances of all the children. In particular, I thought the young Baek Won (Kim You Jung) and the young Seo Do Young (Oh Jae Moo) were wonderful. The cast of veteran actors all had flawless performances and laid out a great foundation for the remainder of the series. Then.... it fast forwards 14 years and it all falls apart. The transition to the adult cast wasn't as smooth as I'd have liked and a lot of the drama became boring, repetitive, and exhausting. How many times did the audience have to watch Uee and Jung Il Woo cry and pine for one another? Too many to count. Then, after sticking with it for 41 episodes, it all wraps up with a terrible ending. It very well may rival Bride of the Century for the worst ending...ever.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cunning Single Lady

Summary: Cunning Single Lady (aka Sly & Single Again) is a 2014 k-drama produced for MBC. This series follows the trials and tribulations of Na Ae Ra (Lee Min Jung), who marries Cha Jung Woo (Joo Sang Wook) in hopes of having a secure and quiet life as the housewife of a government employee. When he unexpectedly quits his job to start a tech company, the couple's marriage falls apart under the weight of financial and emotional strain and they ultimately divorce. Years later, the pair are reunited thanks to a twist of fate and a street cart brawl. Cha Jung Woo is now a successful CEO worth millions and Na Ae Ra is determined to make him pay for the burdens he placed on her all those years ago. But her plot to exact revenge on him doesn't go quite the way she plans...
- 1 1/2 hearts for a lukewarm ending & the weird Tijuana wedding

Keep your enemies close... and your ex-husbands closer.
Recommendation: The best way for me to describe this k-drama is fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously while still delivering some poignant moments that deal with real emotion. Na Ae Ra and Cha Jung Woo were perfectly cast and their interactions with one another are sickeningly cute - in a good way. I couldn't help but root for them and I looked forward to their scenes. My only complaint is that the series could have benefited from an extra episode to wrap-up everything. The final episode felt rushed and half finished with too many flashbacks. Overall, this is a great romantic comedy and will probably find its way on to my "Best of 2014" list. I encourage others to watch it.