Saturday, April 19, 2014

Series Alert: Fated to Love You

I wanted to throw this out there because I am super excited! According to the internet (and the internet is always right), a Korean re-make of the 2008 Taiwanese drama Fated to Love You is slated to air in July and it will be starring one of my favorite actors, Jang Hyuk (see: The Slave Hunters) . I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that the episodes become available in the States.

Last weekend, I started watching the Taiwanese version of this drama and I have to say that I am really impressed with it on all levels. Historically, I haven't invested much time in Taiwanese dramas because the production value isn't as high their Korean counterparts. From acting to sound issues, the few that I've tried to watch felt amateurish. But Fated to Love You had me hooked mid-way through the first episode. The script, acting, sets, etc... are all outstanding. In fact, the script is fairly clever in how people and topics are introduced into the plot and the timing of their importance. As soon as I make my way through the whole series, I'll post a review.

My sincere wish is that the 2014 re-make won't be too conservative in its approach to the topics of sex and unplanned pregnancy because I think the series will lose some of its charm if that happens. That being said, Jang Hyuk is the perfect choice for the role of the male lead. He will bring the right amount of levity and comedy to the role. Of course, he'll have some big shoes to fill as Ethan Juan played it perfectly the first time around.

July isn't that far away so this is something to look forward to!

Update: Choi Jin Hyuk (see: Emergency Couple) is currently slated to play the role of Daniel, which I assume is the equivalent role of Dylan from the Taiwanese version. If you are a Choi Jin Hyuk fan, I wouldn't get too excited, yet. There are three main arcs to Fated to Love You and this character doesn't have much to do until the last third of the series. So, there are likely to be several episodes in a row where he isn't seen much or at all.

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