Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sorry! Really Behind...

The summer came and went leaving behind a bunch of half-written k-drama reviews. I am not joking when I say that I have about 40 reviews that were written and never published - in large part because I was too lazy to work on graphics/images once I got home from work. To summarize, my life this summer has included the following:

Next week, I'll be traveling for work and cooped up in a hotel room at night. My plan is to use this time to get caught up - as much as I can. I'll start with some of the early summer k-dramas like You're All Surrounded and round it out with late summer k-dramas like It's Alright, That's Love. Any older dramas (pre-2014) will get done whenever I find the time.

I may also try to finish watching some k-dramas that I lost interest in early on like Hotel King and Dr. Stranger. Is it worth it? Not sure.

If there's a series that anyone is dying to know about....leave a comment. I'll do my best to prioritize.